
Showing posts from September, 2023

Final Animation feedback, reflection and improvement

Salut! I just finish my presentation this afternoon, so as promised, I will be sharing those audiences feedback with you guys. Above are all the feedback I got for my final animation presentation today.  As for reflection and improvement on my own animation, I expect I can get smooth movement for my characters, but unfortunately, I still need to improve on those skills. Also, I will try and learn to improve my basic drawing skills as per suggested by one of my respondents.  Alright, that's it from me about Animation project, will update you guys again for another interesting topic (If God willing). See you! 👋 Love, Peach💕

Final Animation

 Hello again everyone! Today I'm going to share my final animation to you guys. Firstly, I'm going to tell you guys that this animation is 24fps, mp4 format with 1920x1080 resolution. So, are you guys excited? Here we go, just click the play button. How was it guys? What do you think of my final animation? I hope you guys find it interesting and fun to watch. In the next post I will be sharing about feedback from my presentation audiences. See you! Love, Peach💕

Test Animation's feedback

 Hi! In this post I will be sharing the feedback I got for my test animation below. In this feedback, I got 10 responses from audiences.  These are all the feedback I got for my test animation. Till next time guys, See you! Love, Peach💕

Test Animation

 Hola!  Today I will share with you my test animation, which I create this test animation to look deep into my video production, seek for any mistakes and get feedback from audiences before finalizing my animation. So, here you go, hope you enjoy this test animation. Okay that's it for this post, see you guys again in the next post. Love, Peach💕